How to install joomla club template 3. Joomla template installation. Joomla3 template management

To install the template on Joomla 3, you need to go to the site administration panel under your login. Then the extension manager opens, which allows you to manage all additional components and plugins.

There are three ways to install templates in Joomla 3:

  1. From the archive by downloading it from a computer and then automatically unpacking it;
  2. By URL link if templates and extensions are stored in the cloud;
  3. From the root directory of the site, into which the archive with the template is first unpacked.

To include a template, you need to find it through the manager's list and mark it. After saving the changes, it will be used as the default style.

The following options are available on the Templates tab:

  • View a list of installed options;
  • Thumbnail preview;
  • site preview;
  • Template editing;
  • Create overrides for all components.

In the Styles tab, you can:

  • Assign template styles;
  • Duplicate and edit;
  • Associate styles with individual menu items.

What to pay attention to when working with templates?

One of key features work with Joomla 3 - the use of Bootstrap technology, thanks to which the user experience is greatly expanded.

All Joomla 3 Templates adaptive, due to which they are well viewed from any screens, browsers and devices. It also significantly speeds up the loading of the site and individual pages.

There is an additional JUI module that speeds up the template editing process. This is a user interface library with which you can quickly change color schemes and other graphic elements without going to the editor.

Placement and change text materials carried out in a few clicks. Varies them appearance and position on the page.

The new administration panel interface is much more convenient to use. Simplified installation of the system and its elements does not require special knowledge and skills.


Installing even large templates on Joomla 3 has become even easier and more enjoyable than when working with other versions.

All processes are intuitive, so even a beginner can get used to them.

Hi all!!! In today's article, we will consider installing a template on the joomla 3 engine. And also talk about the most common mistake that beginners make when installing a template on joomla 3.

After installing joomla 3 on denver , work on creating a site is just beginning. And one of the first steps is to install the template. I want to be honest that in the installation, there is nothing complicated. But the search for a template that is suitable in design and functionality can take more than one day. Before you start searching, you need to learn how to install a template. To immediately check it in work.

Installing the joomla 3 template. The downloaded template is in most cases archived. And it looks like this. Frequent The mistake of beginners is that they immediately try to install this template. Naturally, nothing comes out: (The thing is that there are several more archives in this archive. And first you need to unzip it into a separate folder.

Now we see these four archives, there may be more or less of them. It all depends on what the developer provides with the template.

The first two archives contain a template with demo data for joomla 2.5 and 3.1. Ask how I found out, everything is simple from the name: "yoo_square_demo_package_j25" where " demo_package" means demo package, and " j25" means for version joomla 2.5. But the third and fourth archives are pure templates. For joomla version 3, you need the last one with "j31" at the end. Also pay attention to the weight of the archive, the first two weigh about fifteen megabytes, since in the whole site is packed in it, and the third and fourth are only one megabyte each, which means that they are clean.

So, we have the necessary archive with the template, I highlighted it in a green frame. Now let's go to the admin.

1. Extensions > Extension Manager:

2. Next, click "choose file", and find the archive with the required template on the computer.

3. After you have chosen the archive with the template, you must click "download and install".

If everything was done correctly, a message should appear: Template installation completed successfully.

4. After installation, the template must be activated. That is, make it the default template. To do this, in the admin panel, go to: Extensions > Template Manager.

5. Here you will see the template you installed. To make it the default, just click on an asterisk in front of him.

Now you can open your website and see what your new template looks like!

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in installing a template on joomla 3. This is the time to end the article. Read also editing joomla 3 template. All good mood and success in creating your site.

The last representative of the extensions that we have left to consider are templates. It is the template in CMS Joomla 3, and in any other version determines the look and feel of the site. Thanks to the templates, you can radically change the design of your site, spending a minimum of time on it, all you need to do is download and install a ready-made template, and decide on the place where the modules are displayed.

But before you start installing a new template, you should figure out what, or rather, what files Joomla 3 templates consist of.

What is a Joomla 3 template

For templates in Joomla, a special folder "templates" is allocated, in the root of which each template has its own folder of the same name. Without exception, all templates consist of files, and the number of these files for different templates may differ. But there is also standard files, without which no template will work:

  • index.php- index file, it defines the structure of the site
  • templateDetails.xmlgiven file contains all information about the template and is used to install the template through the control panel
  • Style files (.css)- with their help, the design of pages is determined

In addition, templates may contain script files (.js), images, languages and much more. The screenshot below shows a set of files that make up the standard Protostar template:

What are the patterns

Plenty of templates a large number of, they can be classified according to the framework they are written in or other parameters, but all varieties of templates can be divided into two broad categories:

  • Website templates- change the appearance and design of the site
  • Control Panel Templatesthis species templates is designed specifically for the control panel, they do not affect the site in any way.

Working with Joomla 3 Templates

We figured out the varieties, storage location and template files, now let's talk about how to work with templates using the control panel. To get started, let's go to the "Templates: Styles (Site)" section ("Extensions" -> "Templates") and see what templates are already present in the base Joomla CMS assembly:

On the page "Templates: Styles (Site)" you can see that we have at our disposal two templates Beez3 and Protostar, the latter is set by default for all pages of the site, pay attention to this because in Joomla the same site can consist of several templates. And for different sections of the site, you can assign your own template, thereby making the site more attractive.

Let's open one of the templates for editing and see what can be edited and how:

On the first tab with the name "Details" we see some information regarding this template, the developers immediately write to us that the template uses the Bootstrap framework.

Next tab " Extra options»contains the basic settings of the template, here we can change the color of the text and background of the site, logo, header fonts and other settings:

And the last tab - "Binding to the menu", it is with its help that you can assign a template for the entire site or for certain sections. We simply mark those menu items for which this template will be defined:

Positions of modules in a Joomla 3 template

In the lesson on Joomla modules, we said that they are displayed on the site in strictly defined positions, the so-called module positions. For each specific template, the number and location of these positions is different.

How to find out or where to see module positions in Joomla 3? Joomla provides a special preview for this, but it is not available (turned off) by default and must be enabled in the settings.

In order to enable the display of module positions in Joomla 3, you need to click on the "Settings" button on the "Templates: Styles (Site)" page. After that, we will get to the "Template Manager Settings" page, on which we set the "View module positions" switch to the "Enabled" position:

After that, go back to the template manager page - “Templates: Styles (Site)” and click on the eye icon located just to the left of the template name:

On the page that opens, you can see all the module positions available in the template and their location. In the future, this information will help to display certain modules in them.

Creating your own module positions

We have already learned how to view existing module positions, but what if the template does not contain exactly the position that we need? In this case, you can create your own position for the modules in the finished Joomla template. The process is not difficult but requires editing certain template files − index.php and templateDetails.xml.

In the first file we specify where the new position for the modules will be located, in the second we will tell the engine that this position is present in the template and can be worked with.

We turn from words to deeds, first we open the file templateDetails.xml, which is located in the root directory of the template. It makes no sense to delve into its essence now, we are only interested in positions for modules, they are declared between the lines<position>module-position-nameposition> (lines 28-47 of the Protostar template). There are 18 of them by default:

In order to declare our module position, we add an additional line (or several lines) of the following form:


We save the file, it can be closed, the main thing is to remember the name of the position under which you declared it.

Now we open the index.php file and add a new DIV block to it, which will be the container for the new position of the modules. For example, I decided to create new position for modules in the site footer. We write the following code in the footer:


That's all, the position has been created, you can go to the "Template Manager" section and check its availability. The code index file I got it like this:

Let's analyze the code that is responsible for the output of the module, it starts with the line:


Now you need to specify the name of the module position, which we specified in the templateDetails.xml file:


The style parameter is responsible for the style of the module code, which has several design options, the default is “none”, in this case the module title will not be displayed on the site pages.

The end result of the code that is responsible for displaying modules at a certain position, as you already understood, looks like this:

This is how you can create your own module positions in absolutely any Joomla 3 template. As you can see, the process is not at all complicated.

Advanced Joomla 3 Template Options

We have already covered the basic template settings, learned about module positions and how to view them in Joomla 3. Now let's talk about advanced template options, see where and how to modify template files and create overrides for modules, components and layouts.

On the "Editor" tab, we can (if we can) change the template files at our discretion, thereby remaking the template for ourselves, changing it beyond recognition. We just change the files, save and check the result. How to edit template files will be discussed later in the lesson on creating your own template.

The next tab we're interested in is the "Create Override" tab. Here we can redefine modules, components or site layouts, and then change them at our discretion without making changes to the original files:

How to create an override is described in detail in the article "Override in Joomla 3", and at this stage we just need to understand where and what is edited in the template.

On the last tab "Description of the template" a little information is written on this template, this tab is not interesting to us.

Installing a joomla template, instead of the standard Beez3 and protostar, which are included in all versions of joomla (starting from version 1.5), is a very important matter and must be approached with all responsibility.

Find Free Templates

Since we are looking for free templates for learning, I recommend looking for something simple, it should not be so popular one-page (landing page - Landing page). Such a template for Joomla is suitable for attracting customers only for a specific type of product or service / package of services.

Perhaps soon I will outline the creation of such sites, but you need to start with a blog. And we will look for the appropriate template. In any search engine, we drive in the phrase "Joomla 3 template download" or "free Joomla 3 templates", we find a site from the top five on request, on the site in the Templates for Joomla 3 section, select the one you like and download, for example, to your desktop.

Be careful when installing a Joomla or WordPress template

A small lyrical digression: the other day I downloaded a plugin for the site to display related articles in the form of a list under the material, installed, configured and noticed that three open links on absolutely extraneous resources, in link anchors (and if you don’t know what it is, I recommend looking at the HTML Lessons section, there is an article about hyperlinks), there was text about fashion 2017, carburetors and the like... It was found which plugin did it, it was successfully operated on, the section of code that embeds links into my site was removed, and now it continues to work like new. Maybe I'll rename my site Computerapia to Computersurgery))) Then I found which site this plugin was from, randomly downloaded another plugin and one template for joomla 3 and they had the same code ... In templates and plugins for WordPress, then the same thing... In a word, if you download something for free, it doesn't mean that you won't have to pay for it... If you understand html, java script, php, you still need to be vigilant and check everything you install.. And it's better to make a template yourself, in the future I plan to devote several articles and make a video on this topic.

But we digress, downloaded the template,

launched our Open Server or any other, went to the admin panel of the site. Template installation almost no different from installing a plugin, how to install a JCE plugin in joomla, read on the site and watch the video on the YouTube channel. In the menu Extensions > Extension Manager, click Install,

select the second tab Load package file, click on the button select file,

I have an archive with a template on my desktop,

Click on it and on the Download and Install button.

The template has been successfully installed!

put an asterisk so that the installed template becomes the default one,

and go to our website.

The look of the site has changed, and the text now takes up more space on the page,

also changed the design of the inscriptions. I opened one article about cars,

and it also applied the style of the installed template.

Joomla template customization

Then in the Styles section, click on the name of the template

and let's move on to setting it up, I marked the binding to our menu,

which we haven't created yet, and played around with the Style parameter by changing the values...

You can see the result yourself

the last type is for creatures from another planet... The font color needs to be adjusted, otherwise nothing is visible. I returned the default style, we will deal with it in the future. An important advantage of this template is its optimization for mobile devices, it's easy to check -

After installing the Joomla management system on a local or virtual server, we are faced with the question: how to install the template and where to download it? In this tutorial, we will look at how to install a template in Joomla and what methods of installing templates exist. Choosing and installing a template is an important step that should be given special attention. I will also give examples and solutions to problems that may appear during the installation of the template.

- go to view

See the link above for a guide on how to install a template in Joomla 3 version!

There are two ways to install a template in Joomla: using standard installation Joomla install/uninstall and manually by copying the template files to the templates folder.

Method one. Install the template in Joomla with a standard installer.

First, download the template that we want to install. After the archive with the template is downloaded, you need to make sure that the downloaded archive contains exactly the template, and not the archive with templates, or, as it often happens, that the archive contains several more archives. The Joomla Template archive must have a zip extension, and the archive must contain the following files:

  1. templateDetails.xml - used to install the template in the admin interface;
  2. index.php - contains the entire structure (code) of the template.
  3. params.ini - needed by Joomla to save your settings

Also make sure that the archive contains folders:

  1. css - contains style sheets
  2. images - this folder contains images used in the template
  3. js - JavaScript script files (jquery.js , mootools.js , scripts.js )

In the example, not all files and folders that are in the Joomla template. The number of files and folders depends on the template itself, I just listed only those that are basically in all joomla templates and without which the template will not work.

For example, if you downloaded a template, and there are several more archives in the archive, then by these signs you can easily determine which of the archives is the template and install it.

It should be noted that when choosing a template, you need to pay attention to the date of its release and how it corresponds to the version of Joomla with which you are working.

For example, some of the older release templates no longer work in Joomla 1.5 or display incorrectly.

Note: An archive with a template for installation via a standard installer/uninstaller must have a .zip or .tar.gz extension

In the administrative panel, select "Extensions" - "install / remove" Next, select the archive with your template on your computer and click the " Download File & Install". If the template matches your version of Joomla, after a few seconds the template will be downloaded and installed, you will see a message that the template has been successfully installed.

After the template is installed, select "Extensions" - "Template Manager". In the Template Manager you will see all installed templates and the template you just installed. (By default, two standard templates are already installed in Joomla: rhuk_milkyway and JA_Purity) Select the desired template by checking the radio button next to the template and click the "Default" button.

The second way to install a template in Joomla

This method can be used when you need to install a large number of templates, or there are simply cases when the template is not installed. in a standard way install/remove.

To install the template in this way, you need to unpack the archive with the template into a folder (the folder name can be anything, the main thing is in English letters). Next, we launch the FTP client and open the /templates folder on the site for which we install the template and upload our template folder into it.

If your site is on local server, then you just need to copy our folder to the /templates/ folder. If you want to change the name of the template, then in the template folder you need to find the templateDetails.xml file, open it with notepad or any text editor and find the line with the tag august, August is the name of the template, change it to any other (do not forget to write in Latin letters).

As I said, by default, Joomla already has two, sometimes three standard templates installed: rhuk_milkyway and JA_Purity, which you can safely use when creating your project.

To date, the choice of templates for the site is very large, and developers even divide them by subject: templates for business sites, for entertainment portals, holiday, real estate, music, social networks, cinema, video, sports, tourism and many others.

It is worth noting that some of the templates are created on a commercial basis and before using them, you must pay the developer, otherwise it will be considered copyright infringement. Therefore, before installing this or that template on the site, check the author, they are now great amount, and under what conditions it provides a template for use.

If a large number of templates have been downloaded, and you do not remember the name of the desired template, then when you hover over the link with the name of each of the list, you can view its thumbnail.

When choosing a template, you also need to pay attention to its structure, blocks and positions that it includes. After all, before creating a site, you probably already planned what and where it will be located on it: will there be a header (usually this is a picture placed on top, it is also called the site header), logo, top or vertical menu, the number of blocks on the page and etc.

In order to check the positions in a particular template, you can type in the address bar of your browser http://your site/?tp=1 and you will see all the possible positions of the template and their names.