5 ways to avoid error 3194 when working in iTunes

Almost every Apple phone owner has encountered unknown glitches in iTunes. Among them, the most common is error 3194 when restoring an iPhone 4s. It may crash when trying to recover lost phone data from a backup or OS update.

If this malfunction occurs, you should not immediately take your smartphone to a service center. You can solve the problem yourself without overpaying money. The problem is not critical and can be solved quite easily.

No one is immune from glitches in iTunes. They may occur with a certain frequency, but this does not mean that the iPhone has defects or is not being used properly. Malfunctions may occur due to disruption of data transmission through the PC and failure of the router settings.

Error 3194 when restoring iPhone 5s and other models of the line most often occurs in two cases - when restoring a device connected to a computer, and when downloading or installing a system update.

At the same time, a warning appears on the PC screen with the text “Could not be restored. An unknown error occurs (3194)". If the problem occurs during an iOS update, the warning text will be similar.


All reasons that lead to error 3194 are conventionally divided into two types - software and hardware.

It’s easy to understand the source of the failure; all you have to do is start the process of restoring your iPhone. To do this, you need to download the firmware (IPSW) from the official website and unpack the archive. The smartphone then checks for available updates. The firmware should begin, after which the device recovery process will be activated, the logo and status bar will appear.

An accurate “diagnosis” can be made by the moment the malfunction appears:

  • if the code appears before the corporate logo and status bar appear, then it is classified as software;
  • A problem is considered hardware if it appears somewhere during the phone firmware process.

If the problem lies in the device itself (for example, it has difficulties with power supply or performance), then it will not be possible to solve it at home, without additional diagnostics. Software reasons also include problems with an outdated version of iTunes.

Software faults are easier to fix, but it is worth considering that any manipulations with the smartphone can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Software and hardware reasons

Software glitches can be resolved even by novice iPhone users. The most common of them are the following problems:

  • The version of iTunes on your computer is outdated and needs to be updated;
  • the system hosts file redirects requests from the official program, replacing the address;
  • The PC's security system (antivirus) failed.

If the message “Failed to restore iPhone. Error 3194”, then the source of the failure is hidden in the actions of the PC user himself. For example, if he tried to change the phone's operating system to an older version. Old iOS firmware does not always work properly with new, modern devices.

If iTunes does not “see” the smartphone, then the reason is a hardware failure. These include technical damage to the modem and power outages.

How to fix

Methods for troubleshooting depend on the reasons why it appeared. If the cause is hardware related, then the smartphone should be taken to a service center for detailed diagnostics. It's no secret that Apple equipment is difficult to repair, since parts are often not available for purchase.

If the problem is related to the modem, you will have to pay for its complete replacement or soldering of contact connections. Specialists from the service center may charge a high price.

If the fault is caused by software glitches, you can try to fix them in the following ways.

Internet check

The first thing you need to do is check that you have an Internet connection. iTunes actively uses the network in the process of its work, therefore, we continue to try other options only after checking the availability of any site. If there is no connection, reboot the router and try again or check with your provider why there is no access to the World Wide Web.

Checking the hosts file

To remove error 3194 when restoring or flashing an iPhone, you need to go to the hosts file. The program enters all changes and the SHSH hash into it automatically without the computer’s knowledge. Disconnect the device from the computer and completely exit iTunes. Open the file using the right mouse button “Open with...”, “Text editor”.

A dialog box appears in front of the user in which he needs to find a line ending in “.gs.apple.com”. It is this designation that blocks access to programs. We delete the entire line, leaving the # sign in its place.

iTunes Update

A software glitch may be hidden in the official application itself. In this case, it needs to be updated. This can be done using the menu button Help - Update. The program will automatically check for updates and offer it to the user. In most cases, after this the failure disappears.

TinyUmbrella program

If you were unable to avoid error 3194 when restoring the device, this utility will help you fix it. To do this, you need to download and install it. After this, you need to find the Advanced tab and uncheck the box next to the line “Install hosts for Cydia on output.”


One of the reasons for 3194 may be an installed antivirus program that blocks data transfer. Try turning off antivirus programs on your PC and check if the error goes away. Disabling protocol filtering on your router may also help. If your computer is connected to the Internet via a Wi-Fi connection, if possible, connect it to the network directly using an ethernet cable.


If all of the above methods of dealing with code 3194 were powerless, then the right decision would be to take the device to a service center. Diagnostics can be expensive, but as a result, the phone owner will receive a detailed answer about all the problems with the phone.
