How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi on Windows 7. How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi in several ways. Obtaining a Wi-Fi network password using the router settings

Typical situation: the user connected to Wi-Fi networks one device, for example, a laptop, and after some time tries to connect another one, for example, a mobile phone. In this case, the password was conveniently forgotten and not written down. What should I do?

In today's article we will tell you in detail how to find out the password for your Wi-Fi (Wi-Fi) on a computer with different Windows versions. Let's also talk about special programs To view saved Wi-Fi passwords, we will tell you how to view the password on the router and Android mobile phones and tablets.

How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi on your computer

To view your password connected Wi-Fi The condition must be met that the password was saved on the computer at least once. If not, then Wi-Fi password you should look at the router.

Find out the password for your Wi-Fi network in Windows 7, 8, 10

In order to find out the password for your Wi-Fi network on a computer or laptop under Windows control 7, 8, 10 perform the following operations:

If for some reason, when you select the “display entered characters” checkbox, the password is not displayed, then try looking at the Wi-Fi password on the router. This is written about in this article just below.

Find out the password for your Wi-Fi network in Windows XP

On the Windows XP operating system, viewing the password of a saved Wi-Fi network is somewhat more difficult than on more modern operating systems, but it is nevertheless possible.

Open the menu " Start" in the lower left corner of the computer and go to " Control Panel«.

Go to the Wireless Network Wizard menu in Control Panel.

In the Wireless Network Wizard window that opens, click “Next”.

In the next window, select “Add new computers or network devices” and click “Next”.

Select a network installation method. To do this, click “Install a network manually” and click “Next”.

In the final window of the setup wizard wireless network Windows XP, click Print Network Settings.

As a result of this, you will have Text Document with different Wi-Fi settings connection, including the password. The password line will be called “Network key (WEP/WPA key)”.

Programs for viewing saved Wi-Fi passwords

Let's look at two programs for viewing passwords of saved Wi-Fi networks on a computer.

WiFi Password Decryptorfree program to recover passwords of saved Wi-Fi networks. The program decrypts all types of Wi-Fi passwords for WEP, WPA, WPA2 networks, and also generates all the information into a convenient report in HTML/XML/TEXT/CSV format.

You can download the WiFi Password Decryptor program on the official website of its developer.

After downloading the .zip archive, unpack the contents and run the installation file Setup_WiFiPasswordDecryptor.exe. After that, simply launch the program and click on the name of the Wi-Fi network you are interested in to view the password.

Video of work WiFi programs Password Decryptor is shown below:

WirelessKeyView- small free utility, which displays a list of all Wi-Fi networks ever saved on the computer. The program has an English-language interface, but if necessary, a localization .ini file is published on the developer’s website.

You can download the program from the official website of the developer. After downloading the .zip archive, unzip it and run the WirelessKeyView.exe file.

In the screenshot you can see the program working. The Network column displays the Wi-Fi networks saved on the computer, and the password can be seen in the Key (Ascii) column.

Video of WiFi Password Decryptor working:

Find out the password for your Wi-Fi through the command line

To find out the password for your Wi-Fi network using the command line, click the “Start” menu - “Systems” - “Command Prompt” or press the key combination Win+R, write the command cmd and click OK.

In the opened command line enter the following command:

netsh wlan show profiles

The program will display on the screen a list of all Wi-Fi networks that are saved on this computer and accordingly from which we can see the saved password.

screenshot of the netsh wlan show profiles command result

In order to find out the password for the Wi-Fi network you are interested in, you need to enter the command

netsh wlan show profiles name=network-name key=clear

enter its name. For example, for my home network ALESKA the command looks like this:

netsh wlan show profiles name=ALESKA key=clear

As a result of executing this command on the command line, we obtain all the necessary information, including the password for the specified Wi-Fi network.

In the screenshot above you can see that the password for the ALESKA Wi-Fi network corresponds to the value 180700.

Video on how to find out the password of your Wi-Fi network via the command line:

How to find out the password for your Wi-Fi on a router

If it is not possible to view the password for your Wi-Fi on your computer, for example, if the data on the computer’s saved networks has been deleted, you can view and, if desired, change the password on the router.

If the computer is not connected to a Wi-Fi network, then you need to connect the computer to the router using a twisted pair patch cord.

After that, type the address into the browser line and click OK. This is one of the most popular IP addresses for logging into a router. If the address is valid, then you will be asked to log in by entering your username and password. Very often the default router password is admin/admin.

If the address or does not work, then you need to find the correct address.

The IP address of the router is often indicated on the back of the device.

You can see the router's IP address in properties network connection. To do this, open Network and Sharing Center shared access» and click on the current connection.

In the window that opens, click “Details”.

We are interested in the “default gateway” line. This value is the router address.

Now that we have successfully found out the address of the router and went to it, all that remains is to look set password from Wi-Fi network.

Looking at the Wi-Fi password on a TP-Link router

The instructions are written using the TP-LINK TL-WR841N router as an example, but are suitable for any TP-Link routers.

To view the password for the Wi-Fi network, go to the “ tab in the left menu Wireless mode» (Wireless) - “Wireless Security”.

The Wi-Fi password is indicated in the “PSK Password:” line.

We look at the Wi-Fi password on the ASUS router

On ASUS routers It’s very easy to see the password for a Wi-Fi network. After logging in, you are taken to the network status page.

The Wi-Fi password is listed in the right column in the “WPA-PSK Key” line.

Finding out the Wi-Fi password on a D-Link router

Our country traditionally loves routers made by D-Link. Let's look at an example based on the popular D-Link router DIR-300.

In order to view or change the Wi-Fi password on a D-Link router, go to the “Wi-Fi” - “Security Settings” tab in the vertical menu, as shown in the screenshot below.

In the “PSK encryption key” field, you can see the password for the current Wi-Fi network and, if desired, change it to another one.

See the Wi-Fi password on the ZyXEL router

To view the password for ZyXEL routers Go to the “Wi-Fi Network” tab in the lower horizontal menu.

On the “Access Point” tab in the “Network Key” field, you can view and, if desired, change the Wi-Fi network password.

Looking at the Wi-Fi password on a Linksys Cisco router

On the LinkSys router, go to the Wireless section in the horizontal menu ( wireless connection) and then click on Wireless Security.

The password for the Wi-Fi network is indicated in the WPA Shared Key line.

Find out the password for your Wi-Fi network on an Android mobile phone

There are two ways to view the password for a saved Wi-Fi network on an Android phone.

We look at the password through the properties of the access point

Go to settings and connect to the Wi-Fi network for which you want to find out the password.

In the access point settings menu that opens, you can click on the “show symbols” icon next to the password field. This way you will see the password saved in your phone.

Unfortunately, if after “password” is empty, it means you have never used your phone at home as an access point, which means the password for the Wi-Fi network was not automatically entered as the password for the access point in this field.

We look at the Wi-Fi password in the Android system files

Mobile phones and tablets in the operating room Android system store data about saved Wi-Fi networks and passwords in service files. Without root access, these files cannot be accessed, but if you already have root access, then everything is very simple.

The necessary data is stored in a file wpa_supplicant.conf, which is located in the service folder /data/misc/wifi/.

Download and install from Google Play any file manager with superuser rights, for example, RootBrowser.

Launch the program and go to the data folder.

Go to the misc folder.

Open the WiFi folder and the wpa_supplicant.conf file in it.

In the file that opens, the Wi-Fi password will be located in the “psk=password” line.

Video on how to view Wi-Fi password on Android

Forgot the password for your wifi router and don’t know what to do? Don't know how to find out your password WiFi networks? Great! You've come to the right place.

Many people use automatic storage of WiFi access keys, but when you visit a friend or want to connect using a smartphone (tablet), it turns out that you need to enter your long-forgotten data.

In this situation, there are ways to find out your Current Password Wi-Fi networks – using windows 7 / windows 8 (8.1) or installed application.

Note: all options work regardless of the provider Rostelecom, Byfly, Ukrtelecom, Beeline, Yota, MTS or a regular home computer or laptop with Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1).

The fastest way to check your Wi-Fi router password

There are simple and straightforward solutions to easily check the current WiFi password in the Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system.

There are notification icons in the lower right corner - One of them is an abbreviation for Internet access.

Lightly click LMB on the icon with semicircular stripes to see the availability of wifi networks.

Then select RMB of the current Internet and in context menu click on "Properties" (not sure if this works on Windows 8).

If you want to see the access key assigned to this network, use the option (check the box next to this line) “Show symbols”.

If you did everything correctly, you should see the current password to protect your wireless network.

If this path does not resolve the issue due to lack of administrator rights, please read the following additional solutions below.

How to find out the Wi-Fi password using the WirlessKeyView program

Another very simple one quick way install a program that is available absolutely free on the Internet or - WirlessKeyView.

After downloading (if from my website), select the appropriate version of WirlessKeyView - there are two of them, 32-bit and 64-bit.

If you have previously used multiple wireless networks, you will see all the access keys stored in your Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system.

Choose the one you are interested in and write it down in a notepad or on a piece of paper.

NOTE: If you have a tp link router or a Samsung laptop, lenovo, asus or any other program will definitely find all saved passwords. Good luck.

Hello dear visitors. Today I will tell you how you can find out the password for your WiFi, which you have previously connected to. Fortunately, the computer remembers the WI-FI password when we first join it, and if we have forgotten it, the main thing is to know where to look for it.

So, now I'll show you how you can find out the password forWIFI by following simple steps! I have prepared 2 methods for you, and I’m sure at least one of them should help you.

Find out the Wi-Fi password on your computer

pay attention to Wi-Fi icon in the notification area, it is located near the clock. Click on Wi-Fi right click and open Network and Sharing Center.

In the window that opens, we need to go to connections in our wireless network.

Go to the Security tab and check the box Show entered characters. And we see that in the section Network Security Key indicated password for our WI-FI.

This is the first way to find out the WIFI password. Now let's look at the second one.

Find out the password for the WIFI settings of the router

To see the WiFi password You can go into its settings and take a look. Launch Google Chrome or any other browser and enter the address or

The router's web interface will load. Here it is important to know the password and login to enter the settings. The technician who set up your router should know this data. If they were written down in some kind of notebook, then look for it immediately!

In some cases, the password and login are already saved in the browser, and they are entered automatically. In this case, just click the Login button.

Once in the router settings, you need to find the settings section WIFI and go to Security Settings.

There in the section PSK encryption key You can see the password for your WIFI.

We took a peek at it and exited the settings. The main thing here is not to change anything, so that everything works as before.

So, I use the above methods! And if you have other suggestions, like find out the WI-FI password on a computer, then I'm waiting for your suggestions in the comments.

That's all, I wish you good luck!

As soon as the computer connects to the Wi-Fi network, it will no longer ask for its password. And most users easily forget this password, especially if it was written down on some piece of paper. This is not a problem until you need to connect another device to the same Wi-Fi - for example, a phone or tablet.

I will show you several proven ways to view a password that are suitable for any popular operating system(Windows 7, 8, 10).

The easiest way to find out the Wi-Fi password

1 . Left-click on this icon in the tray.

It is located in the lower right corner of the screen, between the alphabet and the clock. Sometimes this icon is hidden under a small arrow.

2. In the window that appears, right-click on the network for which you need to find out the password and select “Properties.”

3. We check the box “Display entered characters” and the computer shows the wifi password in the “Network security key” field.

Another easy way

This option is a little more complicated, but it shows all wireless networks to which the computer has connected, and not just active ones.

1 . Right-click on the tray icon and select “Network and Sharing Center.”

2. A window will open, on the left side of which select “Wireless Network Management”.

3. Right-click on the desired network and select “Properties”.

4 . Go to the “Security” tab and check the box next to “Display entered characters”.

If there is no “Manage wireless networks” item, then click on “Change adapter settings”, right-click on the desired connection and select “Status”. In the window, click on the “Wireless Network Properties” button, go to the “Security” tab and check the box next to “Display entered characters”.

Retrieving the password through the program

There is such a wonderful free program WirelessKeyView. Thanks to it, you can view passwords from all points to which the computer was connected. There is no need to install it: just download from the official website, unpack and run the program file. If wifi points will not appear immediately, click on the icon

That's all :)

Of the minuses, it should be noted that some antiviruses swear at it, since the program interferes with the settings (my Kaspersky, for example, caused a panic). If this does not bother you, use it to your health.

We look at the password for our Wi-Fi in the router settings

This method is good because only thanks to it you can find out a password that the computer does not know at all. For example, Windows was reinstalled, but you don’t remember the password for your Wi-Fi and now you can’t connect. So in this case, a router will help.

A router is the thing that “distributes” the Internet. It looks something like this:

Among other things, its settings store a password. To find it, you need to connect the router to the computer via a power cord (usually included).

If the computer remembers the password and connects to the network, then you don’t have to do this.

1 . Open the browser (Internet program), type in the address bar and press the Enter button on the keyboard.

Most often, after this, a login/password request appears. If this does not happen, try other addresses:,, or But if they don’t fit either, then take the router, turn it over and find its IP address on the sticker.

For example, I didn’t even have an address on the sticker. Then I copied the router model from it (in my case Huawei HG8245A) and entered the request “huawei hg8245a ip address” into the search engine. It turned out that the default address is different, as is the login and password.

2. In the window that appears, enter the login admin and password admin.

Usually this data is suitable (if no one specifically changed it). But there may be other options, for example, root or user. They are usually written on the router itself - on a sticker on the other side.

3. Open the Wireless or WLAN tab and look for the password there. Often it is located in the Wireless Security item (Security Settings or Wireless Protection).

As a rule, the password is written in a column where there is the word Key, Password or Password. Often, to see it, you need to uncheck it.

By the way, it happens that it is written immediately when you open the router settings.

If it doesn't help

Then you can reset all the router settings to factory settings. But in this case, you will have to configure it yourself: specify the Internet connection parameters, network name and password.

To reset the settings on the router there is a small, deeply hidden Reset button (usually it is located on the back).

We clamp it with some sharp object for ten seconds. After this, all settings will be reset, and the router will be as good as new - all that remains is to configure it.